
Libpurple backend is backend based on Librpurple library supporting all the networks supported by libpurple.


You have to choose this backend in Spectrum 2 configuration file to use it:


As showed above, there is also special configuration variable in [service] section called protocol which decides which Libpurple’s protocol will be used:

Protocol variable Description
prpl-jabber Jabber
prpl-irc IRC
prpl-gg Gadu Gadu
prpl-novell Groupwise

Third-party plugins

Spectrum 2 should work with any third-party libpurple plugin which is properly installed. For example, popular plugins:

Protocol variable website Description
prpl-facebook Facebook
telegram-tdlib Telegram
prpl-hehoe-whatsmeow Whatsapp
prpl-skypeweb Skype
prpl-eionrobb-mattermost Mattermost
prpl-eionrobb-discord Discord

These plugins are included by default in our Docker image.

Setting libpurple plugins configurations

Some libpurple protocol plugins allow setting configuration variables. Spectrum 2 passes every variable set in purple section to libpurple library. If you need to set such options, you can do it for example like this in your configuration file:


Notes on Facebook support

Notes on Mattermost support

Some purple options are available to this specific backend :

use-ssl = [0|1]
use-alias= [0|1]
use-mmauthtoken = [0|1] // to connect from gitlab service 
show-full-images = [0|1]
show-images = [0|1]

Notes on Discord support

To use discord from debian buster, backports packages is required

apt install purple-discord -t buster-backports

To manage connection and accept captcha link, harmony client must be installed on the server. Debian doesn’t provide an updated version. Script must be installed from source.

apt install python3-pip libcairo2-dev
pip3 install harmony-discord

Purple options are :

show-custom-emojis = [1|0]
display-images = [0|1]
open-chat-on-mention = [1|0]
display-images-large-servers = [0|1]
populate-blist = [1|0]
use-status-as-game = [0|1]
use-status-as-custom-status= [1|0]
disable-compress = [0|1]